Cybermum India

Intel Security Cybermum India

Anindita Mishra is McAfee’s Cybermum in India. A Pune-based freelance writer, teacher and devoted mother of two- Anindita has always been a vocal advocate for issues tied to children's welfare and development. Like many Indian parents, Anindita wants to make sure that her children are safe wherever they go, in the real or virtual world. Her blogs are about internet safety and sharing her own experiences, insights and learnings to keep children and families safe online. You can follow Anindita on social media or email her at

Artigos por autor

Dicas e truques de segurança
Como diferenciar notícias falsas de verdadeiras
Nos velhos tempos era fácil separar notícia real de ficção. A Literatura era claramente demarcada e os...

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